Glory of God Prayer Group, St. Cecilia Parish, Wa Diocese, Ghana - Let Your Light Shine

Saint of the Day

You must go through the experiences

The words printed here are concepts. You must go through the experiences. Saint Augustine

Education without values

Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil. C. S. Lewis

Words of light

Words which do not give the light of Christ increase the darkness. Mother Teresa

It is in giving that we receive

For it is in giving that we receive. Francis of Assisi


Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe. Saint Augustine

Intense love does not measure

Intense love does not measure, it just gives. Mother Teresa

Seeking without that wert within

I found thee not, O Lord, without, because I erred in seeking thee without that wert within. Saint Augustine

Selective faith

If you believe what you like in the gospels, and reject what you don't like, it is not the gospel you believe, but yourself. Saint Augustine

The beginning of good works

The confession of evil works is the first beginning of good works. Saint Augustine

Pray and work

Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you. Saint Augustine

meet with a smile

Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love. Mother Teresa


Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. C. S. Lewis

We do it to God

There is always the danger that we may just do the work for the sake of the work. This is where the respect and the love and the devotion come in - that we do it to God, to Christ, and that's why we try to do it as beautifully as possible. Mother Teresa


Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives. C. S. Lewis

A drop in the ocean

We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. Mother Teresa

You can't get a cup of tea big enou…

You can't get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.   C. S. Lewis

He that is evil is a slave

He that is kind is free, though he is a slave; he that is evil is a slave, though he be a king. Saint Augustine

if you love until it hurts

I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love. Mother Teresa


If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair. C. S. Lewis

Beginning of peace

Peace begins with a smile. Mother Teresa

Report of the Catholic Church's position on baptism of transgender people

Recently, there has been a report claiming that the Catholic Church has decided to permit transgender people to be baptized and become godparents. I first read the report on graphic online website, titled "Trans people can be baptised in Catholic church and be godparents, says Vatican," through a link posted on WhatsApp. Though I have not read the original document supposedly released by the Vatican, an online search at the time of writing this article, reveals that various news outlets, such as washington post, bbc, reuters, the guardian, cbs news, nbc news, ap news, ny times, and, among others, have reported on this development. With the assumption that the report is true and accurate (until I read the original document), I would like to share my thoughts on this development.

Teaching of the Catholic Church about sin and salvation

As to whether transgender people should be baptized and allowed to be godparents is a dicey question to answer. I'll attempt to share my opinion based of the teachings of the Catholic Church and my own reasoning.

One of the central and fundamental Christian beliefs is that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God - Romans 3:23, which is the reason for the very existence of Christianity - Jesus becoming man and sacrificing himself for mankind. The Catholic Church also teaches that every human being is born with original sin - Catechism of the Catholic church 396-406, which is cleansed through baptism. It is also taught that Jesus Christ came and sacrificed himself so that those who believe in him would be saved from death caused by sin. The Catholic Church teaches that remission of sin is accomplished through believing in Jesus Christ, baptism and onging repentance and participation in the sacrament of reconciliation. Jesus came for everyone, not a single person on earth excluded. Original sin can only be cleasned through baptism. Personal sin is cleansed through both baptism and the sacrament of reconciliation. Therefore, both forms of cleansing of sin rely on baptism. The unbaptized are not allowed to participate in the sacrament of reconciliation (except when they are about to be baptized, as far as I know).

Effect of prohibiting baptism of transgender people in the Catholic Church

From the foregoing, it stands to reason that if transgender people are not permitted to be baptized, they can never receive forgiveness of sins (according to Catholic belief, teaching and practice), and, therefore, are eternally condemned, with no hope of salvation. Should anybody be prohibited from participating in the salvation offer of God? No.

The problem with permitting baptism of transgender people in the Catholic Church

However, allowing transgender people to be baptized also poses a problem. It might lead to a false belief that there is nothing wrong with transgender practice, and,  thereofore, encourage people to do it with impunity, without seeking psychological and spiritual help to overcome what I believe is a disorder.

What is my personal opinion about the baptism of transgenger people in the Catholic Church?

From the foregoing analysis, it can be seen that there are both pros and cons for permitting the baptism of transgender people in the Catholic Church.

My opinion is that transgender people should be baptized, but on a condition.

Transgender people should be baptized if, and only if, they repent of their transgender alignment (i.e. accept that transgender is a sin, and they would reverse it if they could, or they would never do it if they could turn back the hands of time). This is the normal requirement in the Church since forgiveness, which is secured through baptism and the sacrament of reconciliation, requires total renunciation of ALL sins. As long as the transgender person repents of their transgender sin and all other sins, there's no reason to not baptize them.

While other sins do not cause a permanent change to a person's body, transgender transformation does. A little googling informs me that transgender transformation is reversible. I suggest that those transgender people who have repented, and who have the means to have their transgender status reversed without medical complications, should do so to prove their repentance, before they are baptized. For those who do not have the means to have their transgender status reversed, or whose attempt at reversal may result in medical complications, they should be baptised based on their verbal confession. I know that with the verbal confession, people can lie, but we should leave that to God. In any case, they were headed for eternal damnation anyway, without the intervention of the baptism and subsequently the sacrament of reconciliation. So if they lie, it just proves where they belong, and it's a judgement for God to make.

Should transgender people be godparents in the Catholic Church?

 It is my opinion that transgender people should not be godparents in the Catholic Church. My reasoning include:

  1. Preventing transgender people from being godparents will reinforce the message of the Church that transgender is not an acceptable practice. This is to somehow mitigate the possible negative effect caused by baptizing "repentant" transgender people.
  2. There are far far more "straight" people than transgender people, so it should not be a problem finding a "straight" person to be a godparent.
  3. It would limit the opportunity for transgender people who could pretend to repent but with the intention of infiltrating the Church to pollute others with their ideology.

In summary, I think transgender people should be baptized if they repent, but should not be allowed to be godparents. This position should be explained clearly and unequivocally by the Church.

Living in a changed life

Three days fasting and prayers - Wednesday, 26th November, 2008 Teacher: Felix Dordaa Mahama Text: {bib=1 Peter 4:1-6} “When you go to Rome, do what the Romans do” Once we want something from a certain place, we have to identify ourselves with that place and live like the people there (“When you go to Rome, do what the Romans do”). Once we change our state of life, we have to change the things that we do or the way we used to do them. In our... Read more>>>

Who has more followers: God or satan?

Please finish reading before you do anything else right now; read this to the end. My name is God. I know you will give your time to me. I love you and always bless you. I am always with you. I need you to spend 30 minutes of your time with me today. Don't pray. Just praise. Today I want this message across the world. Will you help? Please drop everything & pass it on. Tell the devil you are... Read more>>>

Guarding friendship

Teaching for Sunday 21st June, 2009Teacher: Felix Dordaa Mahama Text: {bib=Sirach 22:19-27} Friendship = companionship History of friendship Friendship has existed since the beginning of creation: When God created man, he saw that it was not good for man to be alone, so he created woman – {bib=Genesis 2:8-23}. God used to come down and interact with Adam and Eve in the Garden. Destruction of friendship But man broke this friendship through disobedience by eating the forbidden fruit. We also frequently break our friendship with people... Read more>>>

Do I Need to Forgive Others to be Forgiv…

Dear ..., I hope this writeup meets you in good spirits. Unfortunately, we couldn’t complete the discussion we started, so I decided to put my thoughts together in this writeup for you to study. I hope you read this writeup with an open mind. I referred to Matthew 5:21-24, 38-48, Matthew 6:14,15 and Matthew 18:21ff to make the point that unforgiveness is one of the gravest sins, because it actually prevents your other sins from being forgiven. You challenged that a Christian can’t... Read more>>>

Popular prayers

The Apostles’ Creed I believe in God, The Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from there He shall come to... Read more>>>

Make your every matter the Lord's

Shall the Lord be defeated in any matter? An Absolute No. But the problem is, is your matter the Lord's matter? If yes, be rest assured that it's settled. For whoever picks a bone with you, picks a bone with the Lord; whoever/whatever is fighting you is seen to be fighting the Lord. Learn to make your every matter the Lord's matter and you have no matter. Take it to the Lord in prayer.   Read more>>>

About the Faith Outreach Ministry

Introduction to the Faith Outreach Ministry “But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be filled with power, and you will be witnesses for me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8 Background information on the Faith Outreach Ministry Basis of the Faith Outreach Ministry In 1991 the Catholic Charismatic Renewal organised a Life in the Spirit Seminars (LSS) program for some members, and as the Lord promised in Acts 1:8, He poured... Read more>>>

Reckoning my past as loss for the sake o…

Three days fasting and prayers -28th - 30th May, 2008Teacher: Felix Dordaa Mahama Text: {bib=Philippians 3:7-9} Background of St. Paul St. Paul was a Pharisee. He was a scholar well respected. He had the right to be called a Jew and to be hailed by his own people and by other people. Everyone loves uniqueness and the Israelites were unique; and St. Paul could choose to hold on to this uniqueness without caring about the rest of the world.  He could choose to stick to... Read more>>>

It's a hoax: NASA finds message fro…

This message has been circulating on the internet and elsewhere about the discovery of a message from God by NASA. This is part of the story: The original message "NASA announced today that its Curiosity Rover has found an unambiguous message from God written on tablets in a Martian cave. According to an official press release two giant stone slabs the size of small elephants were located deep inside a cavern abutting Aeolis Mons, a large mountain. Upon one tablet is a copy of the Ten... Read more>>>

The rotten generation

 Aaah! Oooh!I can smell the smokeThe smoke of the burning generationGeneration of darkness and crimeDark, deep, deeper than the bottomless pit   This rotten generationMakes my heart bleedI am filled with sorrow about how morality Is being thrown away Like a piece of cloth wrapped around the waist Aah! What a generation of it-doesn’t-matter   This rotten generationPursues the youth with its rotten fingersCapture them, harden their hearts like stonesThe youth no more see the light Jesus Christ has become deviant crime Drugs and... Read more>>>

What does God say about your problems?

A personal reflection on 23rd July 2011{bib=2 Kings 19:1-37} (start at {bib=2 Kings 18:13}) OR {bib=Isaiah 36, 37} {bib=2 Kings 19:3} – When you are in grief, do you pick a boyfriend/girlfriend for help; do you consult another god, do you start looking for a way to extort other people, do you throw your hands up in despair?               – When you are in shame do you show your enemies? {bib=2 Kings 19:6} – What are you going through now? Sickness, joblessness, underpayment, frustration... Read more>>>

You need to pray

DEAR BELOVED IN CHRIST, GET A LITTLE TIME AND READ AND GOD WILL BLESS YOU, AMEN. BEWARE of the times. You need to:??Pray for forgiveness??Pray for strength??Pray for knowledge ??Pray for wisdom??Pray for insight??Pray for understanding??Pray for strong faith??Pray for grace??Pray for peace??Pray for mercy??Pray for protection??Pray for Holy Ghost direction??Pray for power??Pray for spiritual guidanceso to withstand in all times.Whosoever seeks these but not wealth is founded on a rock.   Read more>>>

Glory be to the Father ...

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen.   Read more>>>


It is as if most human beings are configured to be automatically  afraid whenever there are challenges. This auto-panic device makes even some Holy Spirit filled Christians to cry out, complain and wish for a return to their former ways of life when they go through a test.  In fact, when this auto-panic device is activated, it automatically uninstalls any faith application. Therefore, at this stage, anxiety, fear, worry, hopelessness, dejection etc. begin to control such a person. The people of... Read more>>>

Advice to young girls

The moment you agree to date a married man,you agree to be a second class woman andevery second class person is classified as a person of lower value.Now look at it this way.If he is with you and his wife calls,he lies that he is still in the office or on an official assignment.You dare not interrupt his conversation or quiry him, but you can't call him when he is at home....... My sister you be toy? He sneaks you from... Read more>>>

In your presence: prayer

Lord Jesus I need your presence in my life. Your presence is so sweet because you are a sweet Lord. When I rose from bed this morning, I felt so lonely, I felt so fearful because of all the difficulties I faced yesterday. I felt so uncertain about what was going to happen today. Review of previous day's events Early in the morning Ok, Lord, let’s review some of the things that happened yesterday. When I woke up in the morning, my children... Read more>>>

The agenda is on - The six stages of soc…

Social Deception very often is a process by which wrong becomes right, and right becomes wrong. It’s a complete paradigm shift of opinions, standards and morals that is achieved softly, subtly and often takes a generation to entrench into society. Those who engineer it are very deliberate and structured in their approach.   If you want to know what I am talking about, find out your mother’s views on things like sexuality and marriage and compare them with yours. The contrast in... Read more>>>

Is the Bible the Final Authority?

This article has been inspired by the conflict that exists within Christianity mainly due to the interpretation of the bible (the genuine cases). First of all it is important for us to understand the place of the bible in Christianity before we can properly apply it to Christian spirituality. This article seeks to use the dealings of God with his people Israel, the dealings of Jesus and the apostles with the early Christians, the bible itself and common sense to... Read more>>>

There is hope

There is hope for a tree that has been cut down; it can come back to life and sprout. Even though its roots grow old, and its stump dies in the ground, with water it will sprout like a young plant. ({bib=Job14:7-9}). Take heart, the Lord of Hosts is still able, the mighty God of wonders is still at work, the rock of ages is gracious and Jehovah Jire is still providing our needs according to his riches in glory in... Read more>>>

Understanding the book of Acts

Analysis of video condemning water baptism for gentiles(Understanding Acts)   It is very helpful to watch the complete video before reading my comments, so that you can have the full picture. Someone referred me to this video when we were discussing about baptism. The video claims that water baptism is not required by gentiles for salvation. I have analyzed the video and given my thoughts on it. I would have loved to post my comments directly on youtube, but comments have been disabled... Read more>>>