Ownership of the website
This website belongs to the Glory of God prayer group, St. Cecilia’s parish, Wa Diocese, Ghana. This group is a member of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, a spiritual movement in the Catholic Church.
Purpose of the website
The main intention of this website is to spread the word of God; to tell people about Christ, to lead people to the love of God through Jesus Christ. We are attempting to accomplish these in two main ways. 1) Uploading activities being carried out by the group to the website. 2) Writing articles.
1. Activities
Activities that are being uploaded include, but not limited to, Sunday prayer meeting talks, Friday vigil talks, three days fasting and prayers talks, sermons by some priests and radio talks. These will be uploaded as text, audio or video or a combination of all three or any two of them, as available and appropriate. In which ever mode (text, audio or video) you are, links will be provided to the other modes.
Our readers, listeners and viewers should note that these are spiritual activities; they are not business activities. What we know is that God works in all spheres of our lives: spiritual, social, business, etc. But the spiritual aspect is the foundation and God will accomplish the rest through the spiritual aspect. So, we encourage our readers, listeners and viewers to look at our activities from the spiritual perspective and try to acquire something spiritual from them. Through the spiritual, God will reveal things to you about the social, business, etc.
Most of the talks, except where specified, on this website are given by lay members of the Catholic Church who either have very little or no theological background. What the Lord has done in our lives, we share. What the Lord has revealed to us, we share. How the Lord has touched and inspired us, we share. We share in order to encourage one another and uplift ourselves spiritually. We are sharing this on the internet because we feel that others in any part of the world can benefit from what we share.
Also, the people who give these talks are not English professors. Some are university graduates (but not in English), some are Senior High School graduates, some are still in Senior High School and some have not even reached Senior High School yet, while some are also Vocational School graduates and some completed the old middle school system. We, therefore, expect a good number of grammatical errors or inconsistencies in our messages. However, the grammatical errors are not so bad as to obscure the intended general message. Therefore, it is our deep conviction that anyone who reads, listens to or watches our talks spiritually, hoping to experience God, will get what he/she wants.
Also, we try to present the messages as originally as possible, so very little editing is done.
Another thing to note is that some of our audio and video recordings may not be up to professional standards. This is because we are not using professional recording gadgets; because of financial constraints, we are making do with what is available to us, i.e. our mobile phones and simple cameras. For example, some of these audio were recorded from just 2 combos and 1 speaker, using simple mobile phones, not even smart phones. But we believe that the quality that we present will be enough to carry our messages across and not cause too much discomfort to our listeners and viewers.
You can send us your recommendations as to how to acquire better gadgets or improve our use of what we already have to deliver better quality content.
2. Articles
Concerning the articles, I we can say similar things as we have said for the talks. As we noted above, the people who give these talks are not English professors. In a similar vein, the people who write these articles or transcribe audio talks to text are not English professors. We, therefore, cannot declare our articles free of grammatical errors. However, the grammatical errors are not so bad as to obscure the intended general message. Therefore, it is our deep conviction that anyone who reads these articles and talks spiritually, hoping to experience God, will get what he/she wants.
Again, you can make your suggestions.
We would also like you to take note of the use of the the terms 'bro' for 'brother' and 'sis' for 'sister'. These (except the term 'Rev' is attached) are not titles for the religious (as in Rev. brother' or 'Rev. sister'). They refer to brother or sister in Christ, terms we use to address one another as members of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.
Felix Dordaa Mahama
Mobile: +233201135125
Address: HNo 196 BLK C, Napogbakole, Wa, Upper West Region, Ghana